Base URL
Welcome to the Taurus Base API documentation. This API provides access to a variety of cryptocurrency data, including real-time prices, historical data, risk metrics, and performance comparisons.
Authenticate requests with an API key by including it in the Authorization header:
Headers: {
"x-api-key": "sk_6a28d...."
Get Crypto Price
Fetch the latest price of a cryptocurrency pair.
Response Example:
"baseToken": "BTC",
"quoteToken": "USDT",
"price": 27000.45,
"network": "ethereum"
Error Examples:
Status Code: 400
"error": "Invalid pair format or tokens not found."
Status Code: 404
"error": "Price not found in any supported network."
Status Code: 500
"error": "Error fetching price.",
"details": "Detailed error message"
Get Historical Data
Retrieve historical data for a specific cryptocurrency.
GET /historical-data?symbol=BTC&period=1-year
Response Example:
"price": {
"max": { "value": 69000, "date": "2023-11-09T00:00:00Z" },
"min": { "value": 34000, "date": "2023-05-22T00:00:00Z" }
"volume": {
"max": { "value": 4500000, "date": "2023-11-09T00:00:00Z" },
"min": { "value": 1300000, "date": "2023-06-15T00:00:00Z" }
Error Examples:
Status Code: 400
"error": "Invalid period type or missing required parameters."
Status Code: 500
"error": "Error fetching historical data.",
"details": "Detailed error message"
Get Risk and Volatility
Access risk and volatility metrics for a cryptocurrency symbol.
GET /risk-volatility/ETH
Response Example:
"volatility": {
"daily": 0.015,
"annual": 0.237,
"explanation": {
"daily": "This asset typically varies around 1.5% per day.",
"annual": "This asset typically varies around 23.7% over a year."
"sharpeRatio": {
"value": 1.05,
"explanation": "This asset has a good risk-adjusted return."
Error Examples:
Status Code: 400
"error": "Not enough data for the specified symbol or period."
Status Code: 500
"error": "Error calculating risk and volatility metrics.",
"details": "Detailed error message"
Compare Multiple Crypto Prices
Fetch current prices for multiple cryptocurrency pairs.
POST /prices
Body: { "pairs": ["BTCUSDT", "ETHUSDT"] }
Response Example:
"successful": [
"pair": "BTCUSDT",
"baseToken": "BTC",
"quoteToken": "USDT",
"price": 27000.45
"failed": [],
"summary": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
Error Examples:
Status Code: 400
"error": "Request body is required or invalid format for pairs."
Status Code: 500
"error": "Error processing request for one or more pairs.",
"details": "Detailed error message"
Get Correlation and Diversification
Retrieve correlation and diversification data for multiple tokens. Optional AI insights can be enabled with useAI parameter.
GET /diversification/correlation?tokens=BTC,ETH&period=1y&useAI=true
Response Example:
"correlationAnalysis": {
"matrix": {
"BTC": { "ETH": 0.65 },
"ETH": { "BTC": 0.65 }
"explanations": {
"BTC": { "ETH": "BTC and ETH have a moderate positive correlation of 65%." }
"overview": "Analysis based on 1-year historical data for BTC, ETH."
"diversificationStrategy": {
"recommendations": [
"token": "BTC",
"recommendedTokens": ["XRP", "ADA"],
"explanation": "To diversify a portfolio containing BTC, consider adding XRP, ADA."
"methodology": "Recommendations are based on correlation coefficients below 0.3."
"aiInsights": "AI suggests that BTC and ETH move similarly, but adding XRP or ADA may reduce overall risk."
Error Examples:
Status Code: 400
"error": "Not enough data for the specified tokens or period."
Status Code: 500
"error": "Error calculating correlation and diversification.",
"details": "Detailed error message"
Compare Performance
Get performance comparison between a target cryptocurrency and others. Optional AI insights can be enabled with useAI parameter.
GET /performance-comparison/BTC?comparisonSymbols=ETH,LTC&period=1y&useAI=true
Response Example:
"metrics": {
"targetSymbol": "BTC",
"averagePrice": 34000.25,
"maxPrice": 69000,
"minPrice": 30000,
"totalVolume": 1500000,
"volatility": 0.12,
"priceChange": -5000,
"priceChangePercentage": -12.5,
"comparisons": [
"comparisonSymbol": "ETH",
"averagePrice": 2200,
"totalVolume": 900000,
"maxPrice": 2500,
"minPrice": 2000,
"volatility": 0.15,
"priceChange": -300,
"priceChangePercentage": -11.5
"aiInsights": "BTC shows lower volatility than ETH, making it a potentially safer asset in terms of price stability."
Error Examples:
Status Code: 400
"error": "Target symbol or comparison symbols are missing or invalid."
Status Code: 500
"error": "Error fetching comparison metrics.",
"details": "Detailed error message"
Rate Limits & Usage
Each plan has different rate limits. The free plan allows up to 10 requests per second, while the enterprise plan allows up to 350 requests per second.
Common Errors
"error": "Invalid API Key",
"message": "The provided API key is invalid or expired."
"error": "Rate Limit Exceeded",
"message": "You have exceeded the maximum request rate for your plan."